
Strings #

You know that Strings are one type of datatype, but there is more to Strings than just that

Strings are like arrays #

You can get a certain character at a specific position in a string like an array using an index.

a = "Hello World"

This will print out


since the character 'e' is at the first index of the String

The length of a string #

You can get the length of a string using the len() function

a = "Hello World"

This will return


since there are 11 characters in the string

Index Character
1 H
2 e
3 l
4 l
5 o
7 W
8 o
9 r
10 l
11 d
12 e

Removing blanks in a string #

You can remove leading or trailing blanks in a string using the strip() function

a = " Hello World "

This will return

Hello World

Without any leading or trailing empty spaces

Lowercasing the String #

The lower() method will lowercase the characters in a string

a = "Hello World"

This will return

hello world

Uppercasing the String #

The upper() method will uppercase the characters in a string

a = "Hello World"

This will return


Replacing characters in a String #

The replace() method will replace strings with a different string in a string

a = "Hello World"
print(a.replace("H", "J"))

This will return

Jello World

Splitting a String #

The split() method will split a string into an array if there is an occurence of a certain string

a = "Hello World"

This will return

["He", "", "o Wor", "d"]

Checking if a string is present #

The in keyword and not in keywords can help distinguish whether a certain string is present in a string or not (resulting in a boolean)

txt = "Hello World"
x = "llo" in txt

This will return


Adding variables in a string #

You can use the format() function to easily insert variables into a string

age = 17
name = "Dino"
intro = "Hi, my name is {}, and I am {} years old"
print(intro.format(name, age))

This will return

Hi, my name is Dino, and I am 17 years old

Special Characters in Strings #

There are some special characters within strings

  • \n
    • New line
  • \\
    • Backslash
  • \t
    • Tab
  • \r
    • Carriage Return

Finding the index of a certain part #

You can find the index of a certain string within the string

a = "Hello World"

This will return


It returned the index of the first occurence of the string within the original string