people think that if you drop out of highschool, you won’t be able to accomplish anything noteworthy in your life, but josh showed us that with determination you can do anything you want to

i feel that josh is very good at story telling, he managed to keep me engaged while talking about his past, his difficulties from asking people to build websites for them to now where he established his startup

as one of the top clash royale players back in the day he felt like there must be a better way to monetize his content than instead of twitch or another platform such as that

metafy came as an idea when he realized that most gamers only make enough to scrape by and can’t use their passion to make money to sustain themselves. he also emphasized that when making a startup keep in mind the audience as well as the timing since perhaps five years ago, no one knew what a content creator was, but now, everyone knows what it means

  • i really vibe with his startup since i am an avid gamer myself

he recommends reading high growth handbook, good strategy bad strategy, peak (he reads it once a year), and the score takes care of itself
