she is a
- consumer investor
- content creator & community builder
- startup operator
owner of accelerated
- a weekly newsletter for students and recent grads interested in tech and venture capital
- news
- industry data
- trend or app analysis
- job and internship postings
- puppy of the week
- choose your co-founder carefully
- let people specialize
- align on goals/kpis
- more team members = more work
hiring - critical investment but takes a lot of time
- know what you are hiring for
- project-based evaluation process
- what do we need now?
- take a bet on yourself
- be willing to make choices that are hard at the time but might lead to better outcomes
- invest in audience
the stanford msx program is an accelerated teritary education program under the gsb. she said internally the program is for those who want the master’s experience(essentially networking and being part of a cohort) but don’t have time/didn’t apply
recommends never split the difference written by a former hostage negotiator for the fbi, to rekindle thinking about high-stakes negs and conversations
also loved to read thinking in bets by Annie Duke which is a good book when you move into a role/find yourself in a position where you have to take risks